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How You Can Help

Fighting for Nicholls is a massive job particularly given the resources of the major parties who are will fund large amounts of money towards advertising their nomination.

I would really like anyone to feel that they can come on board and help. There is a number of ways that you can help.


Put your name down to help by donating time to hand out pre-election flyers or on election day by handing out "How to Vote" cards or maybe you have some skills that you think could be utilised in other areas.

I would love to hear from you if you think you can help and all help is greatly appreciated.

Financial Donation

The cost of nomination ($1000) and printing how to vote cards ($2000 approx) alone is considerable without taking into account television or radio advertising costs which are likely to exceed $30,000. So if people can contribute a few dollars to help with these costs it will go a long way. I will run a tight campaign and should there be funds left over these will be donated to a charity.

How to Donate

Bank:          Goulburn Murray Credit Union

BSB:           000000

A/C No:       000000000

A/C Name:   N A Hicks

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